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Have you heard of Overtone dye?

New Member Registered

Hey everyone, new here and also new to dying my hair. At age 50 I decided I should try something different so I dyed the bottom of my hair purple. πŸ˜€ First time for everything. πŸ˜€ I used Pravana Vivids Violet. Being a newbie, I did it wrong. LOL I washed and conditioned my hair that morning ( didn't have the dye yet) and then the dye came in the mail that afternoon. That was about noon. I was thinking because I didn't do anything between the time I washed it and noon, it was clean enough. Well, I learned I shouldn't have conditioned it. So it has been 2 weeks since I dyed it and it is almost all the way gone. I still have a little tower the middle but the sides are back to being my natural hair color.

Anyway, I was on Facebook and someone recommended Overtone dye to another person. I went to the website for Overtone and read on how to use it. I liked that it could be rinsed with hot or warm water. I went ahead and bought some to try it out. It doesn't get here till next Monday.

I was wondering if any of you have tried it and if so, how long did it last? How did it fade? I like how the pravana faded lighter purple as it went out.


Topic starter Posted : March 7, 2020 12:04 am