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Hair falling out/breaking off

New Member Guest

I've been coloring my hair for about 5-6 years now. Bleaching and whatnot. All of a sudden my hair is breaking off at the root. My roots are about an inch long. This has never happened before. I (in a way) cup my hair and about 20-30 strands come out. I haven't changed my diet or had any new product. I don't style my hair, all I do it brush it and we're good to go. I have bangs and I've noticed that none of my hair has broken off in that area. my hair is my pride and joy. I'm not sure what's wrong. If you have any advice or remedies that would be wonderful (besides,  let it do its thing) I kid. partly. 

  *ott* (current feeling)

Posted : September 23, 2014 3:47 am
(@Wicked Pixie)
New Member Guest

Is it definitely breaking off not just falling out? If the root is visible on the fallen hairs it is falling out which could be natural shedding, or related to stress, hormones or illness.
if it is definitely snapping off that is due to heat or chemical damage and there isn't much you can do, as damage is permanent. Protein treatments such as K pak deep penetrating reconstructor followed by moisturising treatments will help, but the only real solution is to cut all the damaged areas off. If it is breaking at the root it is usually where there has been overlap when doing root touch ups. Bleach damage is cumulative and can take a while to show, so it can sneak up on you like this. Avoid any heat styling and harsh handling of your hair, treat it like bone china. Wash as infrequently as possible with cool water, and try using a T shirt or similar instead of a towel.

Posted : September 23, 2014 4:48 am
New Member Guest

I usually have a bit of hair fall out. which is normal for me. but it's breaking off at the root, which I find terribly odd because it's been about 2-3 months since I've bleached or did anything to my hair. I have a pile of hair, no joke, and none have any brown hair attached.  I plan on going to the doctors tomorrow, I just figured I'd get some input on here in case I end up with nothing.  it's been about a week now. and my hair is thinning like crazy.

Posted : September 23, 2014 4:53 am
Prominent Member Registered

I am having a similar problem but mine is because of a change in my contraceptive pill. It has made my hair so dry that its snapping off. I have gone to the doctors and i am getting changed back to ,y old pill.
Hormones could be a factor with you too. But make sure to do the protein and moisture treatments ad wicked pixie suggested

Posted : September 23, 2014 7:54 am
Noble Member Registered

I usually have a bit of hair fall out. which is normal for me. but it's breaking off at the root, which I find terribly odd because it's been about 2-3 months since I've bleached or did anything to my hair. I have a pile of hair, no joke, and none have any brown hair attached.  I plan on going to the doctors tomorrow, I just figured I'd get some input on here in case I end up with nothing.  it's been about a week now. and my hair is thinning like crazy.

Check for root bulbs on the ends of the hair. Your hair actually stops growing for a bit before it falls out, so it may be that the hairs that are falling out now stopped growing before you last bleached, so they won't show any growth. I had a lot of hair loss last year after trauma, and the hair loss happened about three months after I had the shock (I had brain surgery). It was very scary but the hair has re-grown now and all is well.

Posted : September 23, 2014 9:40 am
Eminent Member Registered

Your hair can takes 2-3months to show effects from stuff. 
Were you stressed out a couple months ago or maybe take a course of antibiotics? 
Hope you get to the bottom of it xx

Posted : September 23, 2014 9:35 pm