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Long shot…but.. does anyone know of companies that allow colored hair?

New Member Guest

I know we come from all over, but if anyone knows even off the top of their head seeing people with colorful hair at any national companies or stores, it might help me. I currently work at Ulta and they allow it, but the hours are constantly cut and I'm trying to support a family.  I think Target might be ok with it, they did call me for seasonal but the orientation was on the same day as my Ulta interview and I already booked the one.  I was looking into waitressing but most places won't allow it.  I really am ok with any type retail/min wage, that's what I'm doing now but the store is super far away and has no hours.  Just figured I would try. Thanks!

Posted : December 9, 2014 10:05 pm
Noble Member Registered

I think a lot of places it's just a case of asking the management. I know of some jobs where some of their branches allowed it, but others didn't, as it was up to each manager. In the past I've applied for jobs with my bright hair, and just asked what their policies are, and then if they didn't like bright hair I've dyed it a natural shade. Could you not get a natural coloured wig for jobs?

Posted : December 9, 2014 10:12 pm
Reputable Member Registered

I'm pretty sure I've seen staff in TGI Fridays with unnatural hair colours.  Might be an even more soul-destroying job than working retail though.
Also try alternative clothing stores, anywhere that aspires to be a bit "edgy" or cool.

Posted : December 10, 2014 8:16 am
Noble Member Registered

Lush and Urban Outfitters are two I've seen recently. (Dunno if they're in California though!)

Posted : December 10, 2014 10:27 am
Prominent Member Registered

Hot topic, spencers and PacSun for sure. I have also seen people at Target. I used to live in a small town in texas though so you didnt really see much colored hair.
you can get away with it in certain offices if you stick with darker blues and reds. My boyfriend is an accountant and has had blue hair for a few years. when it started to fade someone asked him about it and said that they had thought they were going crazy at his interview cause it had looked purple! haha. ( he uses SFX blue velvet so it looks mostly black when freshly dyed)

Posted : December 10, 2014 10:47 am
Famed Member Registered

Lush and Urban Outfitters are two I've seen recently. (Dunno if they're in California though!)

They do!

Posted : December 10, 2014 12:17 pm
New Member Guest

Thanks guys. Yea Idk called a lot of places that don't, or they do but aren't hiring. 😛

Posted : December 11, 2014 7:46 pm
Reputable Member Registered

walgreens and cvs both allowed me to have colors.

oh– i've also seen color recently in journeys and our local grocery store (martins, but i'm pretty sure its the same company as stop & shop)

Posted : December 11, 2014 10:23 pm
New Member Guest

PetSmart does but who knows if the new owners will keep that policy. You also aren't likely to get a lot of hours with PetSmart, as part time you can get as little as 4 hours a week if you're unlucky (but it totally depends on the store). You will probably never ever ever get full time with this company unless you are upper management. It has also become a high pressure sales/ e-mail capture kind of company, not sure how you feel about that.

Dunkin Donuts allows it, at the one in my mall there is a blue hair girl, a teal haired girl, a girl with pink hair and another with bright purple highlights.

Not sure about your state government jobs but in NY you can have colored hair as long as you're not working with the public or high government officials. Some banks may allow it for back office work, I interviewed with a local bank that wouldn't even let me have natural looking red while working as a teller but would allow me to have any color working at HQ in a cubical farm.

Posted : December 28, 2014 3:06 pm
New Member Guest

I'm pretty sure I've seen staff in TGI Fridays with unnatural hair colours.  Might be an even more soul-destroying job than working retail though.
Also try alternative clothing stores, anywhere that aspires to be a bit "edgy" or cool.

Friday's definitely do, I used to work in one and they like individual personality so encourage it!!

Posted : December 29, 2014 9:26 pm
New Member Guest

Probably more helpful to English people than others, but hey ho….

In Essex, I know that Ann Summers and Muffin Break allow it. There's one staff member at the former who always has her ends a different colour, and I've seen her rocking green lipstick at least once, and the latter has, if not had, someone with green ends.

Millie's Cookies – where I'm currently at – does in theory. Lush definitely does, too.

Posted : April 29, 2015 12:39 pm

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