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Amazon prime video

Noble Member Registered

I know there's a thread for netflix, but couldn't find one solely for Amazon prime video (but apologies if there is one and I missed it!) Thought we could do the same as on the netflix thread, and post tv shows and movies that we like that are available on there.

So recently I watched season 1 of The 100. It's been on my watch list for ages, it's really good! I love a good post-apocalyptic tv series or movie, and I love things about space, so this is ideal for me.
They only have the first season on prime video though, you have to buy the other two seasons at the moment.

My husband has been watching Vikings on there and says it's really good. I haven't personally watched it.

The BFG is on there and I watched it the other morning with a cup of tea in bed and it was lovely. It was one of my favourite films when I was little! Still found the other giants creepy as anything.

Topic starter Posted : March 30, 2016 10:53 am
Famed Member Registered

I quite liked Vikings series 1, didn't really get into 2 and never caught up!

I couldn't get into The 100 at all. Maybe I'm too old. I'm getting a bit (a lot) bored of teenage/early 20s dystopian type dramas.

I watched Lucifer in the last week or so. A bit silly but I liked it. Apart from the annoying back story for the female cop so she can be super good looking. Her outfits aren't super stupid or over glam, so that's something, but she's often in boots with very high heels. Ugh. 

Posted : March 30, 2016 11:01 am
Noble Member Registered

I did find the first two episodes of The 100 a little hard to get in to but once it got past that it got much better in my opinion. I do find the romance bits annoying (in any similar shows/movies too) it's just shoehorned in. If I was fighting for survival and also unknown people and things were killing people, I would not be looking for romance! (EDIT – also wondering what the hell they do for contraception!? Everyone seems to be sleeping around lol.) But like I said, I am a sucker for that type of show!

I tried to watch Revolution the other night, but couldn't get through the pilot episode. I wanted to see more of the initial affects of the electricity stopping, but it kinda just glossed over that. And they seemed to mostly be living ok after which seemed a little hard to believe.

OOh yeah Lucifer is on my watch list!

Topic starter Posted : March 30, 2016 11:11 am
Famed Member Registered

I've watched about 3 episodes of Revolution about 3 times in an attempt to get into it! Nah, just doesn't work for me either.

The Man in the High Castle is good though. Mostly anyway.

I used to watch The League. Kind of bored with it now. It's based around an american fantasy football league. They have too many stupid shoehorned in bits with various american football stars they somehow meet almost every week (because, yeah, that happens all the time) who mean nothing to me other than they can not act for toffee! It just makes it dull.

Posted : March 30, 2016 11:57 am
Noble Member Registered

I'm utterly obsessed with Transparent at the moment, it's so good!

Posted : March 31, 2016 9:08 am
Noble Member Registered

Just finished watching American Gods. Just wow! I've not read the book yet, so I don't know how similar it is. But the tv show is amazing, great acting, great story, wonderful visuals

Topic starter Posted : July 15, 2017 10:46 am
Noble Member Registered

Ooh we're waiting to watch that, Andre wants to read the book first (I could probably do with re-reading it though, it's a long time since I read it and I can't remember much about it). I love Neil Gaiman though.

Posted : July 16, 2017 6:31 pm
Famed Member Registered

It's another of my 'am I being contrary for not wanting to watch this?' things lol

I'm put off by Ian macshane. I once loved him in the 80s as 'Lovejoy'. Sort of like an antique dealing crimebuster. Weird, weird stuff. I can't see him as anything else now!

I mentioned it in the Netflix thread because I forgot we had this one, but if you like weird zombie stuff, Korean film 'Train to Busan' is really good.

Posted : July 16, 2017 8:57 pm
Noble Member Registered

I really must read it!

Yeah Chris keeps calling him lovejoy.
I hate Zombies, too scary for me! But Chris loves them so I will mention  that one to him!

Topic starter Posted : July 17, 2017 3:02 pm
Famed Member Registered

I should add, the main reason he's still lovejoy to me is because I don't really think his acting is great, so everything he does has a bit too much lovejoy in it!

But, lee isn't in a good mood and I've let him put on whatever he wants. It's American gods, so we'll see 😉

Posted : July 17, 2017 8:20 pm
Noble Member Registered

We started on American Gods the other day and I'm enjoying it so far. Ricky Whittle has come a loooong way since Hollyoaks  😮

We've done the first season of Preacher too, which is insane but bloody brilliant. The three leads are so good. Joe Gilgun has also come a loooooong way since Emmerdale, and an even longer way since Coronation Street.

Posted : July 18, 2017 6:56 am
Famed Member Registered

I'm a bit meh so far. I think I'm just so sick of supernatural stuff that it's tainting me watching anything it's in now. I just find it means writers can be a bit lazy and throw any old stuff in and it'll fly because magic.

Same goes for Preacher.

You know though, even if it is me being contrarian when it comes to things I don't like (I don't think it is though, there's plenty of very popular things I do like) I don't look down on people when they do like them. I just don't get it myself 🙂

Posted : July 18, 2017 8:37 am
Noble Member Registered

Ricky Whittle has come a loooong way since Hollyoaks  😮

Oh my gosh yes! gone are the days in my mind where he was calvin from hollyoaks! He really passes off the American accent too (although, I wonder if he sounds convincing to Americans?)

Topic starter Posted : July 18, 2017 11:30 am
Noble Member Registered

American gods is one of my all time favourite books so I am undecided on whether to watch the show. I almost never like tv/film versions of things that I like but Neil Gaiman adaptations are sometimes pretty good (stardust and coralline I'm looking at you)

Posted : July 19, 2017 8:44 am
Noble Member Registered

He'll always be Lovejoy to me haha!

I'm a bit precious about Neil Gaiman stuff too, I really hope the Sandman film never happens, it would have the potential to ruin my life if it was rubbish!

Posted : July 20, 2017 10:12 pm

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