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Dabur Vatika egg and honey mask

New Member Guest

I've seen many people of colour singing the praises of this stuff on Youtube, and have been using it when my hair has been especially fried at the ends.

I used it on bleached hair with no colourant in it, so I have no idea how much it fades colour. Although it's a little heavy, it leaves my hair MUCH softer and more manageable afterwards. The package says to leave it on for 15-20 minutes, but I usually left it on overnight. It has a pretty strong honey/egg smell. I personally quite like it, but YMMV.

It doesn't have any dimethicone/dimethiconol, either!

If you're in the UK, it's about £4-5 for a large pot in Boots/Superdrug, and you can also get it in beauty shops for black/Asian hair.  If you're outside the UK, then... not sure where you can go. Sorry.

Posted : August 13, 2015 1:00 pm