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Mixed messages about bleaching before a dye

New Member Guest

Soooo I've dyed my hair before (SFX Napalm Orange) and it feels like I should know this, but I'm doing a little more research this time around and I feel like I'm getting mixed messages from people on how I should bleach. I wanna go red this time, so I'm taking a lot of care to plan out all of the things I can do to make it last longer, even though SFX supposedly lasts at least a month even when you're in the reds. Napalm Orange lasts at least a month on me before going yellow with the methods I've used... but it's not red. So. Haha.

Anywhoo, I'm starting with my natural brown. It's not *super* dark but... you know, dark. Kind of an annoying gray/mousy-brown depending on the lighting. I have a picture but since I'm a newb I'm not allowed to show you.

In the past I've always gone to a really super-light blonde so that the orange would be more vibrant, but this time around I want more of a true red instead of glowing color and I'm afraid that bleaching it too far will make it look like a Ronald McDonald wig. However, if I don't bleach it enough, I'm going to have a science experiment on my hands because who knows what color it's going to turn into over a more coppery/yellow, not-as-bleached brown?

Also as I mentioned I'm concerned with keeping it in as long as possible. I've heard two stories: that you need to bleach the hell out of your hair and make it as dry as possible before applying the dye to help it soak in the color, and this will hold it longer. I've also seen people say that if you do this it doesn't hold the color as long, it just makes it more vibrant, so don't bleach it that much if you want less blinding colors.

Huh??? ): Any advice as to which is more accurate? For reference, I'm really leaning towards the SFX Devilish color right now, although I might go for a mix of two reds. Idk if that will help but who knows. I also have a plan for aftercare this time, which I'm sure matters just as much (if not more) as how much I bleach it. I just want to make sure I'm doing everything possible to make it last.

Slightly related question: whats the difference between regular bleaching and a bleach bath? I saw the tutorial for a bleach bath but I don't really understand the purpose of it. Is it just to avoid frying your hair? Just curious.

Posted : March 3, 2012 2:34 am
New Member Guest

Don't leave the bleach on for any longer than it states on the packet.

Don't 'bleach the hell out of your hair', it will only fry it. Bleach dries your hair naturally regardless of how long it is on, so dye will get soaked up just fine. Don't condition after bleaching, just shampoo it out, dry it, and apply the dye.

Bleach baths reduce the strength of the bleach (if you do a half shampoo/ half bleach mixture, then 30vol would be around 15-20vol). I also found it easier to apply and get it more even.

I would look up the thread about applying coconut oil before bleach. It will reduce the damage from bleach significantly.

Posted : March 3, 2012 10:04 am
New Member Guest

Ooh, okay. Coconut oil, no conditioner. Sounds good, I actually have a ton of coconut oil already so I'm excited that I can put it to good use for my hair. (: Thank you!

Posted : March 3, 2012 3:36 pm
New Member Guest

to achieve a good red, you only need a ginger base. so i would suggest coconut oil your hair, bleach bath(like peruvian said, is heaps easier and also better for your hair) wash out (repeat a week later if needed) once you are ginger, apply to non conditoned hair, leave on for hours and hours et voila sexy red head =) YAY

Posted : March 3, 2012 7:00 pm