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Green tinge

Active Member Registered

Hi, first post since joining a few days ago.

I have been reading through the bleach horror stories and am trying my best to avoid my own bleaching disaster so thought I'd ask you guys about getting rid of the last bit of green that's lingering in my hair!

I always use crazy colour(easiest to get here) and have had many different colours, last time I dyed it (august) I had pink, purple and blue (already had a blue/green shade under where I put the blue).
Over the last couple of months I have done a few spaced out fading treatments with the oil+shampoo+bleach power method and it got out everything except the last bit of green. Last week I used crazy colours back to base and it pulled out a teeny bit of green and lightened my roots to a pale ish blonde.

So now most of my hair is ready for what I wanted to do next (pastels, mostly lilac with some streaks mixed in) but the green just wont go away! I've read that putting a light pink over it could neutralise the green but wanted to ask before I tried it and got it wrong. I dont want to have to use the back to base again as I have to use 4 packets a time and it adds up!

I'd be so grateful if anyone had some advice to get the last stubborn bit of green out without compromising my hair too much?
Thanks for reading, I know it's a bit long!

Topic starter Posted : October 26, 2020 9:21 am
Famed Member Registered

You might be unlucky like me and never able to get rid of that last green hint. I've learnt to embrace it and always stick to green, purple or blue in that area as it grows out, and just work around it.

Light pink does help to neutralise it, but rarely back to very pale, it normally stays a little darker. It's definitely worth a try though and it could be enough to get you to light enough for lilac.

Posted : October 26, 2020 9:19 pm
Active Member Registered

Ah I did have a feeling that might be the case, thanks for your reply though!
I might try chucking some light pink on, see if it does anything and go from there, maybe try a lilac to blue fade to work with the green if it just wont budge?
I'll try and attach a pic if it's current state, I think its probably light enough to cover if I take my colours a bit darker than I wanted and hope it fades nicely!

Topic starter Posted : October 27, 2020 11:55 am
Famed Member Registered

I have to admit, that's much less of a green ting than I thought. It took me a moment to find it in fact!

I think pink will help a lot actually. I think if you did go for a darker lilac then your fade will be ok. I'm not sure if the photo is changing the hair colour at all, but some of it does look like it would struggle with a lighter shade of lilac anyway, so the slightly darker shade would help.

Posted : October 28, 2020 4:33 am
Active Member Registered

Thanks for replying again, I think I'll try the pink on the green part and then maybe chuck a mid purple over it and see what happens!

Topic starter Posted : October 28, 2020 8:59 am
Famed Member Registered

No problem, and good luck! If you remember, post a result pic. It's always good to know what happens 🙂

Posted : October 29, 2020 11:18 pm
Active Member Registered

Thank you! I will post a pic when I get around to doing it, it's been half term this week so thought I'd wait til the little ones are back at school and I can concentrate  🙂

Topic starter Posted : October 30, 2020 7:22 pm
Active Member Registered

I finally got round to fixing my hair! Sorry it's been so long since my post, I've been distracted lately. I didnt manage to get my hair light enough for the lilac I wanted unfortunately so decided to go darker instead and now its purple and blue  😀

Topic starter Posted : November 19, 2020 3:25 pm
Famed Member Registered

It looks amazing! I should think you'll have a lovely fade with that!

Posted : November 21, 2020 5:04 am
Active Member Registered

Thanks Janine! Fingers crossed for a nice fade  😀

Topic starter Posted : November 21, 2020 1:25 pm

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