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Blonde highlights from dyed brown hair?

New Member Registered

Hi there, I am new to this site and I’m hoping to get some insight. Back in September, I permanently dyed my hair a dark brown, from a medium/light blonde. Around 2 months later I used color remover, and that had bleached my roots white, and the rest of my hair was a brassy orange. Then I dyed it a light brown on top. About a month ago I dyed my hair back to the same dark brown. My roots are starting to show and as the summer gets near, I’m trying to decide if I should touch up my hair with the same color in a month or so, or if I should try and do highlights. I’m really hoping to do highlights, but I would have to do it at home. I have found box kits, and I was wondering it I should do that. I am afraid that the « highlights » would just turn bright orange. I know I could tone it, but even then I know it is not always easy to get rid of the orange. I think highlights would help me grow out my natural hair color and my hair would end up being healthier in the long run. Also, the brown dye has quite strong red/orange undertones, and my natural hair color is a neutral/maybe cool blonde. What should I do?

Topic starter Posted : April 10, 2020 6:39 am