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Hair Growth Tips!

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Advice for anyone looking to grow their hair long! There is no real quick fix to grow hair faster (no overnight tricks to gain 10inches), you can recieve some fast hair growth bursts but nothing can really fight genetics. The average hair growth is 0.5inches a month, making a yearly growth of 6inches but people can experience more or less growth in a year.

- A Healthy Diet.
This very important for happy hair, as our hair is the last place to get nutrients and vitamins from our diet. Excessive amounts of coffee, alcohol, sugar and junk food can cause our hair to become unhappy. Drink lots of water and enjoy some extra happy hair foods such as bananas, eggs, peppers and yoghurt. Some people take a multivitamin or a hair, skin and nails tablet to help their hair and body. Be careful not to take too many vitamins and pills though, or you may make yourself ill as well as making your urine very expensive! The body dispells any spare nutrients it absorbs.

- Trims.
Your hairdresser may tell you you need to cut your hair every 6weeks, but this is only to maintain a style you enjoy. If you cut your damaged hair then it can help improve growth as splits can travel up the hair shaft causing breakage, and a cut helps make hair look thicker and healthier but most people don't need to cut their hair every 6weeks. Stretch your hair cuts from 6weeks to 12weeks and see the difference in growth. If you are wanting to grow your hair then go as long as you can without cutting it and get the least amount off when you do cut. You can reduce the amount your hair needs cut by reducing damage. Go longer between bleachings and box dyes, don't heat style every day and keep your hair conditioned.

- A Good Nights Sleep.
Your body gets to work whilst you are asleep so it's important to get your 8hours to help your body help you.

- Exercise
30minutes a day gets your blood flowing and your cells stimulated which can help hair growth, another relaxing method to improve hair growth is a scalp massage.

I am currently in the process of growing my hair back to longer lengths after having short hair for 3years. I am just past my shoulders and hoping to grow it down to my bottom! As I've never really had super long hair before, but I'll also settle for my hair being back down to my waist where my natural waves and curls look great and I can be lazy with my hair instead of spening ages trying to make it look good.

Posted : May 9, 2011 6:46 pm
New Member Guest

Thanks for the tips! I'm also trying to grow my hair after cutting it all off because of bleach damage. If only I'd known about k-pak back then! ;P I cut it to above my shoulders last July and it's grown about 5 inches. I'm hoping that in another 10 months it'll be back to my original length (just above my waist). I too miss the natural waves and barely having to do anything with it!

Posted : May 9, 2011 6:59 pm
New Member Guest

You must be a lot closer than me! I reckon I have about nearly two years to go before my hair is happily where I want it haha. I found that the hair, skin and nails supplements really helped at first, and a lot less heat styling.

Posted : May 9, 2011 8:47 pm
New Member Guest

i want mine to be boobie length, hasn't been that long for 6years! having the dreads made me miss having long hair.....but i consume lots of sugar, caffiene and junk food, so i'll just wait =) lolz

Posted : May 9, 2011 10:31 pm
New Member Guest

Since cutting off my extentions my dreads are just about boobie length. Having dreads makes your hair grow slower because they're constantly knitting up into the dreads as they grow.

Posted : May 9, 2011 10:47 pm
Famed Member Registered

My hair has grown about an inch and a half since I last cut it (March).

I want it to the bottom of my shoulder blades ... reckon it will be there by October ^_^

Posted : May 10, 2011 6:30 am
New Member Guest

my hair is about three inches past my shoulders and i have about another foot to go until it is where i want it. how long do you think it will take if it has grown about three inches since February??

Posted : May 10, 2011 1:30 pm
New Member Guest

If your hair is growing at an inch a month then and you still have a foot to go until your desired length which is another 12inches, it could take a year or more for your hair to grow to the length you want it.

Posted : May 10, 2011 2:45 pm
New Member Guest

Ive been following most of those tips for a while as i really wanted long hair again after getting a fairly short bob. Ive been getting a trim every 8 weeks and it has grown alot in two years, as it is now half way down my back! Id definitely say a good diet is the best for healthy hair and nails.

Posted : May 10, 2011 5:53 pm
New Member Guest

I'm just starting my second year of growing from a short inverted bob, hopefully in another year I'll have hair half way down my back too.

Posted : May 10, 2011 8:32 pm
New Member Guest

someone told me that eating seaweed helps, so sushi = good right? mmm sushi -drools-

Posted : May 13, 2011 3:59 pm
New Member Guest

Sushi could be good for fish too! Another healthy happy food for our hair and bodies.

Posted : May 13, 2011 4:07 pm
New Member Guest

I love long hair, but I don't have the patience to grow it πŸ™

Posted : May 13, 2011 7:05 pm
New Member Guest

oh this was sooo helpful! i cut all my hair off again for a mohawk, but got bored and dyed it dark blue/black.  :-[ I like the colour, but now im so bored of the cut, its started to grow out and it sticking up all over the place. πŸ™

I feel really down because im so bored of it and fed up of having short hair now, so i want to grow it out, only last time, it started to look like a mullet... πŸ™  :'(

Any tips on how to tame the sticking up bits? And how to prevent the dreaded mullet look. i want it to my shoulders, (like the women from the front of Bullet for my valentines Fever album.!) and was thinking of going electric blue (kinda scared as last time i messed up. BIG time) im not gonna touch it until july, so hopefully it will have grown by then, wont be to my shoulders but im thinking by then, it'll have recovered and i can bleach out the blue black and dye it purple and wait till october to do the blue... you think it will be shoulder length by then?  :'(

Posted : May 15, 2011 10:24 am
New Member Guest

^ i use a spray water from a small bottle onto my hair and it gets down the tuffy stuck up bits in the morning (bedhead is so annoying). as for the mullet stuff, i get my chappy to snip the back ends off, and then i thin it out with thinning scissors. goodbye dreaded mullet!

Posted : May 15, 2011 12:19 pm
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